filed under Action / Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family / Kids
The world of Cars takes flight in Planes, Disney's high-flying animated comedy revved up with action and adventure. Join Dusty, a crop duster with sky-high dreams and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to take on the world's fastest flyers in the greatest air race ever.
Dusty has a huge heart but two big problems... he's not exactly built for speed, plus he's afraid of heights. His courage is put to the ultimate test as this unlikely hero aims higher than he ever imagined. With a little help from his friends, Dusty finds the courage to be more than he was built for - and the inspiration to soar. Experience Disneys uplifting story of bravery and friendship on Blu-ray with never-before-seen bonus features.
Principle Actors
Anthony Edwards // Brad Garrett // Brent Musburger // Carlos Alazraqui // Cedric the Entertainer // Dane Cook // Gabriel Iglesias // John Cleese // Julia Louis-Dreyfus // Priyanka Chopra // Roger Craig Smith // Sinbad // Stacy Keach // Teri Hatcher // Val Kilmer