Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness
filed under Animation Series, Anime (Japanese Animation), Comedy, Manga, Science Fiction

Three years have passed since the end of the anime series. The Earth and the Jovian Federation have come to an uneasy peace. However, Akito and Yurika have both vanished, presumed dead, and a new threat to peace is rising. A grown-up Ruri Hoshino, as the new captain of the highly-mobile battleship Nadesico B, sets out to solve the mysteries.
Principle Actors
Cameron Bautsch // Emily Carter-Essex // Fumiko Chino // Jason Douglas // Jennifer K. Earhart // Jessica Boone // Jin Ho Chung // Joey Goubeaud // Kaytha Coker // Kelli Cousins // Marta Bechtol // Matt Culpepper // Rick Burford // Shelley Calene-Black // Tiffany Grant