filed under Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Suspense

Vincent is an outsider, a natural birth or "in-valid", living in s a world in which "designer people" - forged in test tubes - rule society. Determined to break out of his imperfect genetic destiny and fulfil his dreams, Vincent meets Jerome, a "Valid" willing to sell his prime genetic material for cash.
Using Jerome's blood, urine, skin and hair samples, Vincent is able to forge a new identity and pursue his goal of a mission to space with the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation and enjoy a blossoming romance with Irene, another "Valid".
However a week before his flight, a Gattaca mission director is brutally murdered and Vincent finds himself pursued by a relentless investigator threatening to expose his counterfeit life and revel him as "In-valid", ending his dreams forever.
Principle Actors
Alan Arkin // Ernest Borgnine // Ethan Hawke // Jude Law // Loren Dean // Uma Thurman