Fantastic Mr. Fox
filed under Action / Adventure, Animation, Book-to-Film, Comedy, Family / Kids

George Clooney and Meryl Streep lend their voices to this hilarious and heartwarming animated adventure from visionary director Wes Anderson.
Mr and Mrs Fox live a happy home life with their eccentric son Ash and visiting nephew Kristofferson. That is until Mr Fox slips into his sneaky old-ways and plots the greatest chicken heist the animal world has ever seen.
Based on the beloved, best-selling book by Roald Dahl, Fantastic Mr Fox is family fun at its finest.
Principle Actors
Bill Murray // Eric Chase Anderson // George Clooney // Helen McCrory // Hugo Guinness // Jarvis Cocker // Jason Schwartzman // Karen Duffy // Meryl Streep // Michael Gambon // Owen Wilson // Robin Hurlstone // Wallace Wolodarsky // Wes Anderson // Willem Dafoe