Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder
filed under Animation, Animation Series, Comedy, Science Fiction

All the other galaxies will be green with envy!
In the most epic FUTURAMA ever, dark forces older than time itself are on the attack, hell-bent on stopping the dawn of a wondrous new green age. Don't you hate when that happens? Even more shocking: Bender's in love with a married fembot, and Leela's on the run from the law -- Zapp Brannigan's law! Fry is the last hope of the universe, recruited for an ultra-top-secret mission. Could this be the end of the Planet Express crew forever? Say it ain't so, meatbag! Off we go, Into the Wild Green Yonder!
Principle Actors
Billy West // David Herman // Dawnn Lewis // John Di Maggio // Katey Sagal // Lauren Tom // Maurice LaMarche // Phil LaMarr // Tress Macneille