Virus Buster Serge
filed under Animation Series, Anime (Japanese Animation), Box Sets, Manga, Science Fiction, Television Serials, Thriller
Combining cybernetic vision with complex character development and furious mecha combat, Virus is the latest work of acclaimed director Masami Obari. This exclusive box set contains all twelve thrilling episodes.
Neo Hong Kong 2097
Genetic engineering and advanced cybernetics have successfully fused man and machine. But alongside this new technology, mankind faces an insidious new threat... The Virus.
Artificially enhanced humans and intelligent super-computers operate as one using biological software. But the same technology that has allowed man and machine to merge together has made both susceptible to digital viruses capable of controlling their hosts.
Principle Actors
Ai Orikasa // Bill Fowler // Dan Green // Debora Rabbai // Eiji Sekiguchi // Frankie Rome // Haruna Ikezawa // Hirotaka Suzuoki // Jessica Calvello // Joey Rappaporte // Kazuki Yao // Keiichi Nanba // Keith Burgess // Kyôko Tsuruno // Mayumi Iizuka // Michael Schwartz // Nobuyuki Hiyama // Shinichirô Miki // Socko Jones // Vibe Jones // Wayne Grayson