filed under Action / Adventure, Animation Series, Anime (Japanese Animation), Box Sets, Crime, Drama, Game-to-Film, Horror, Science Fiction, Television Serials
Armed with twin handguns and a coffin filled with weapons on his back, Grave returns from the dead, cloaked in darkness and bent on revenge. His goal is to cripple Millennion, the huge mafia organisation that uses undead monsters as its enforcers. But his real objective is to root out Harry Mcdowel, Millennion's leader. The former friends are on a collision course with destiny and anyone in the way is destined for the grave!
This is the complete Gungrave collection, featuring 7 discs and every episode.
Volume 1:
Destroyer in the Dusk, Young Dogs, Rain, Go
Volume 2:
Millennion, Big Daddy, 5 years later, Family
Volume 3:
Dispute, Conflict, Heat, Kind
Volume 4:
Betrayal, Die, Harry, Letter
Volume 5:
Mika, Grave, Superior, Brother
Volume 6:
Duty, Remorse, Daughter
Volume 7:
Last Bullet, Then, Dusk of the Destroyers
Principle Actors
Beau Billingslea // Doug Stone // Kirk Thornton // Lex Lang // Michael McConnohie // Michelle Ruff // Steve Blum // Tony Oliver // William Knight