Kai Doh Maru
filed under Action / Adventure, Anime (Japanese Animation), Drama, Manga, Martial Arts
Feudal Japan - The battle for the capital city of Kyo rages as warring political factions vie for power against hereditary rulers. After the murder of her parents at the hands of her seditious uncle, a young girl named Kintoki flees to the mountains to lead a harsh life and is renamed Kai Doh Maru by the local villagers. Rescued by Raiko, the Captain of 'The Four Knights' - honourable defenders who protect the peace of the city, Kai Doh Maru is raised within their group as a boy, living amoung the knights she learns the practices of martial arts and develops into a skillful samurai, becoming a permanent member of their team. Now as a young woman of seventeen, she begins to discover new feelings of passion and love for Raiko. She also discovers that these new emotions cause a storm of jealousy and rage in another woman linked to her past.
Set in the political intrigue of Japan's Heian era, Kai Doh Maru is full of explosive action intertwined with a complex human drama and is brought to life in this atypical story of love, honour, jealousy and betrayal. Produced by the incomparable animation teams from Japan's IG Plus / Production IG, this digitally animated tour de force features elaborately drawn 3D backgrounds, showcasing a unique colourisation scheme reminiscent of Japanese artwork from the period. Kai Doh Maru masterfully explores new and uncharted dimensions of anime, taking you back in time to a distant past, a beautiful and deadly world of lavish luxury, mind altering mysticism and bloody conflict.
Principle Actors
Bruce Winant // Corinne Orr // David Rhodes // Don Puglisi // Flavio Romeo // Jay Synder // Kathleen McInerney // Larry Robinson // Mitsuki Saiga // Peter Patrikios